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Friday, September 21, 2018

GREGG JARRETT: If Rosenstein Defies Trump’s Declassification Order, He Should Be Fired For Rank Insubordination

If Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein defies President Trump’s declassification order, he should be fired for rank insubordination says FOX News legal analyst Gregg Jarrett.

On Monday, President Trump issued an immediate declassification order of the 20 redacted Carter Page FISA docs and other records related to the Russia probe.

The Democrats immediately got to work to stop the truth from getting out to the public–they are running scared!

Ranking member of the House Intel Committee Adam Schiff said Trump’s declassification order “crossed a red line.”



  1. The President isn't allowed to have constitutional powers because of mainstream media propaganda. That is why obama indicted leakers and destroyed lives let media no he was boss and didn't care about laws.

  2. But wanna state that this is very helpful, Thanks for taking your time to write this.

  3. Yep best excuse to fire his ASS.

  4. It sure is time to clean house with this swamp we have left over from Obama!!!

  5. Please be patient. President Trump has already said he was going to take some action when talking about Sessions. Would not be surprised if he cleans house. However, he needs Congress so please get out and vote. Don't let the Democrats destroy us now. We don't want to go back to Obama era.

  6. If Rosenstein Defies Trump’s Declassification Order, He Should Be Fired For Rank Insubordination


    No, he should be arrested. I am sick and tired of these traitors disrespecting our President. I despise Obama and will never call him a President, but I left it alone. You idiots need to do the same.


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