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Saturday, September 29, 2018

GoFundMe campaigns to support Christine Blasey Ford raise more than $700K

More than $700,000 has been donated to Dr. Christine Blasey Ford through a number of GoFundMe campaigns set up on her behalf.

At least two GoFundMe sites associated with Ford's name were set up earlier this month to help support Ford as she traveled to Washington, D.C. to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee about her accusations of sexual assault by Supreme Court nomineeBrett Kavanaugh. Kavanaugh has denied all of the allegations.

The two campaigns -- "Help Christine Blasey Ford" and "Cover Dr. Blasey's security costs" -- had reached more than $700,000 at the time of publication. A number of other campaigns related to her also appear on GoFundMe based on a search of Ford's name.



  1. More liberal idiots than I thought
    Only they would support a lying sl$&

    1. Soros and Obama pays offs .How else could they reimburse her.

  2. Sure did cost her a lot to travel to DC. By Monday she will probably be up to a million dollars just to stand in front of the Senate and tell a tale that can't be proved because there are NO details to prove or disprove. My God won't let me wish things on people and it is a good thing because I tell you what. The thoughts sure jumped in my head while watching this circus.

  3. Make sure there is the prope taxes taken out since this money will not be donated to charity.

  4. WOW. She grew up with a silver spoon. Turned into a little rich slut. Screwed all the little rich boys in H.S.. Supposedly got raped. Then liked it so much. Went back for more. Now she gets the payday she has been looking for. Isn't AMERICA GREAT??

  5. Go fund me is the new super pac

  6. Why does a turd like this need money when she can afford a therapist? This doesn't count what Diane Frankenstein pays her with tax monies. She should turn this over to the next justice for slandering the good man.

  7. There goes a good program. Funding for what. Attorney said his services where free. GoFundMe has gone to hell. Now noonen will donate for a good cause because it is over used for stupid situations.

  8. Let's not forget that you can write GoFundMe off on your taxes.


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