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Friday, September 28, 2018

Former Gillum Chief of Staff Campaigns for Mayor Against Old Boss' Record -- 'Tallahassee Had the Highest Number of Murders in History Last Year'

Although Florida Democratic gubernatorial nominee Andrew Gillum’s track record as mayor has seemingly been of little interest to many in the Sunshine State’s political media, one of the hopefuls running to replace Gillum as Tallahassee’s mayor is not ignoring it.

According to a recently published article by Steve Stewart of Tallahassee Reports, former Gillum chief of staff and mayoral candidate Dustin Daniels is campaigning on improving upon what he called the city’s “highest number of murders in history last year.”

The mailer, proclaiming Daniels will “move Tallahassee forward” as mayor, backs up a previous report that showed a significant increase in Florida’s capital city’s murder rate while Gillum served as mayor.


1 comment:

  1. “The message put forth by Daniels is at odds with the message of gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum, who is telling voters Tallahassee is already doing better due to the decline in crime for the first six months of 2018,” Stewart wrote. “In the process, Gillum is ignoring the decisions that contributed to the record-setting crimes rates in Tallahassee which include historical highs in murders.”


    Sounds exactly like the Socialist agenda of Jim Ireton and Jake Day. Just lie about it and continue to lie about "Crime is Down."

    That shit is getting old and someone needs to start waking up.


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