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Friday, September 21, 2018

Flashback: Dems Demanded Russia Probe Transparency From Obama

‘They should declassify as much of it as possible,’ Schiff said in 2016

Democrats flipped their lid after President Trump announced the declassification of documents related to the Russia investigation on Tuesday, but were calling for total transparency in 2016 while Obama was still president.

Democrat leadership, including House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (NY), Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (NY), ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee Adam Schiff (Calif.), and Vice Chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee Mark Warner (Va.) sent a letter to heads of U.S. intelligence agencies begging them to disobey Trump’s declassification orders.



  1. Buttheads butting heads.

  2. WTF??


    Do these imbeciles remember who they work for???

    When was the last time you got to tell your boss you weren't doing what you are told to do because YOU knew better than he did??
    And still kept your job?

    they are off the chart stupid.

  3. Sounds like they are trying to overthrow our government and duly elected president. Is this not treason or sedition at minimum? What is it these Democrats fear so much? That their dirty deeds are going to come to light? Have they been privy to the redacted reports and emails which may expose them or the dirty deeds of Obama? American citizens want to know now more than ever what they are hiding!!


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