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Sunday, September 09, 2018

Falling out at local United Way

Former United Way of the Lower Eastern Shore President & CEO Kathleen Mommé last week issued a statement regarding her apparent termination in July, while the nonprofit’s board released a statement disputing some of her claims.

The Salisbury-based organization serves Wicomico, Worcester, Somerset and Dorchester counties with a stated mission “To create and enhance opportunities for making a positive and lasting impact in Education, Financial Stability and Health for all.”

Mommé, with the organization since 1994, said in an email to local media last Wednesday she had “been on a gag order until now” and attached a response to what she called “being abruptly fired from the United Way of the Lower Eastern Shore following 24 years of perfect performance records along with their efforts to keep me quiet and try to keep me from suing them.”

The statement, titled “Kathleen Mommé Public Response to UWLES Board of Directors Request to Have Mommé not sue UWLES,” follows:

“It has been an honor to serve our community for the past 35 years including the past 24 years with the local United Way making a real impact in our neighbor’s lives. Every moment of these years, I have felt that it has been a true blessing to serve, continuously break performance records, always give my staff & volunteers credit, create a work culture that was caring and family friendly and received numerous state and local leadership awards. My priority is, as it always has been, United Way donors, partner agencies and the many helped by them and I remain committed to serving the many people served on the Lower Eastern Shore as I have since 1983.

“I did not resign from United Way. I was abruptly terminated by the United Way’s legal counsel on behalf of the Board of Directors with no real opportunity to advocate for myself or to speak with any Board members. It has been a painfully heartbreaking end to my successful career with United Way.



  1. Where is all the live coverage of the folk fest from the local pt news Crickets.wboc.

  2. Don't know the entire story - but she makes it out to be the recently hired millennials whining to the board about being forced to do their jobs!

    1. Her termination was appropriate and long overdue. The statement from the organization indicates the vote to terminate by the board was unanimous. That's what we call a clue.

    2. She is a mean arrogant woman. I'm not sure how anyone ever worked for her. Nobody even liked her going to school events for her kids because she is such a b*. Thank goodness for the Board's decision.

  3. "I have always brought a certain (appropriate) intensity to my work "

    Hey Kathy, you seem to be the only one defining it as appropriate. Sounds like double speak for hostile work environment.

    I had a phone interview with you and you were totally inappropriate, stating you were "friends" with my current employer and intended on contacting him, even though I indicated I preferred you didn't.

    I was obviously blessed to not get the job.

  4. Anyone know what her salary & other compensation was??

    1. All not for profits must file an annual tax return. They are all available for free online on Guidestar. Joe, maybe publish the return as part of this thread.

  5. Her whole lie about being offered money not to sue is called a severance package. It comes with strings. She makes it sound sinister. Its standard. Good luck with that lawsuit in a "at will employment" state.

  6. Sometimes change is needed - regardless of track record (previous issues with the United Way) or intent.

    We are entering a society type change of baby boomers as the legacy community, exiting the workforce and the millennial's entering the force.

    Early indications show not a good mix!

  7. People should really watch out for charities the give too. This one. The red Cross. Many others. They don't spend donation's as they say or should.

  8. Replies
    1. I'm sure they can find that $3.00 somewhere else.

    2. Now that’s entertainment

  9. Bottom line if you don't like the job.then quit. She busted her hump to set records fundraising for our local community. Hey partner Why did Greg Johnson bet bounced from Provident bank

  10. Kathleen has a reputation as a bully - not just with employees. When you have to pressure and belittle people/organizations/businesses to give to your cause, something is wrong.

    As far as her comment about "donor funds" being offered and she didn't feel right taking them - that is total BS. She is acting like her salary, benefits, office rent, electric and everything else needed to support the United Way office comes from the good fairy.

    Really people! Donor funds pay for all of that. Also, the United Way is notorious for overcompensating leadership. Maybe her quest for achieving goal each year had a healthy financial reward for her.

    She is no victim here!

  11. None of these charitable organizations aren't true to their words. 100% of charitable donation are divided into three parts. 90% to the trustee, employees and advertisements. 5% to the people. 5% the trustee deemed as emergency.

    1. Do you walk around making up lies all the time or is this a special occasion?

  12. I want to know who sits in the Board's chairs. It's usually the same people gillis dunn and others and anyone who is honest will admit how they roll and it's not pretty. They ooze with dishonesty. I would believe her over any of them.

    1. Any of who? You don't even know one single name from the entire board. That's a really informed statement there. I bet you're a legend in your own mind.

  13. she was compensated very well. united way is a scam. Sign of the times, and maybe kathleen should count her blessings and move on!


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