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Saturday, September 29, 2018

Enough Already!


  1. Sorry, but no case. You've been used by your fellow liberals. We will remember you for your being a part of the establishment trying to destroy our Constitution and the powers it gives to all.

  2. She's a liar. First off this so called suppressed memory is controversial to say the least many experts not believing it even exists.
    Secondly she is about the only person who remembers the who but not the when and especially the where.
    Others blank out the person and the incident but clearly remember the where and that is what triggers the who and the what. For example when they come near the location they get anxious and can't figure out why. The why and who comes out in therapy.
    Another clue that she is lying is not offering anything provable. That is what people who make false statements do. It is one of the 10 Red Flags of a false statement or allegation.

  3. Hope she was paid very well.

  4. I have no problem with her life being ruined,but if Kavanaugh's life is destroyed it would be a tragedy.I'm old enough to remember when the general public could have easily seen through this.

  5. Common sense will tell you if she doesn't remember how SHE GOT THERE it was her problem prior to the party. You cannot just remember 1 face and maybe another by association. Even days later she would have taken her family or parents would have insisted she ride through the area till she found the street, home and address, because she DOES remember it was about 20 min from her home. Her parents because of her age would have called the police, their would be a record and the psychiatrist she had there would be records. A church advisor, school counselor someone would have been told. This is called selective memory and just doesn't pass the SMELL test. She has problems I am sure and believes her self, she needs help. She spoke of a lie detector test but we heard of no results. Her lawyers should have called in the FBI from the very beginning, before the news media and the Washington Post, these lawyers strike me as using her for sensationalism. The whole thing is a travesty both for her and Kavanaugh.

  6. Loved her on tge Beverly Hillbillies. Granny was one of my favorite characters.

  7. Looks like the mail lady out on college & Camden Ave. Nobody is that hard up

  8. And I'm getting paid one million dollars from crowdfunding to say so.

  9. Good picture of this crazy lunatic

  10. Is that Garth from Wayne’s world ? Party on

  11. Her body language immediately revealed she has a psych history, and totally not believable. Hopefully the FBI investigation will reveal this. Shame on her and the dimorats. She is pathetic - the politicians are disgraceful.


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