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Thursday, September 20, 2018

Donald Trump Slams Jeff Sessions: 'I Don’t Have an Attorney General. It’s Very Sad'

President Donald Trump again expressed regret at his decision to appoint Sen. Jeff Sessions as his attorney general, in an interview on Tuesday.

“I don’t have an Attorney General. It’s very sad,” Trump told Hill.TV. “I’m not happy at the border, I’m not happy with numerous things, not just this.”

Trump revealed that he was frustrated with Sessions from the beginning, noting that the Alabama senator was “mixed up and confused” during the confirmation hearings.



  1. The President is correct. I didn't understand his answers at confirmation hearing but I figured he would drop the hammer on the swamp so didn't matter. Wrong! Corrupt dems figured sessions out real quick as a coward.

  2. Oh just imagine if this were Obama trashing the actions of members of the Justice system just because he wasn't getting his way......My have the voices of outrage gone quiet.

  3. Sure he does - Jeff Sessions, the man he put up for nomination. If Trump doesn't want him as Attorney General, then fire him. But Trump's too scared to before the election. Trump's a political coward at heart.


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