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Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Dennis Prager: Is the President a Bad Role Model for Children?

“Most voters say President Donald Trump is not a good role model for children, according to a new Quinnipiac University poll.

"While 90 percent of voters say the president should be a good role model for kids, only 29 percent say he is while 67 percent say he is not.” — U.S. News Jan. 26, 2018

As someone who has devoted his life to writing and speaking about moral issues and the importance of character, I am regularly criticized for supporting President Trump. Democrats and Republican opponents of the president consider conservatives who support the president to be, at best, inconsistent with conservative values such as tempered speech, commitment to truth, support for European allies and free trade. And those of us who are religious conservatives and support the president are deemed hypocrites for supporting a man who has presumably committed adultery on more than a few occasions and said gross things about women in a private conversation.

Perhaps the most common objection to supporting the president is this: “He is a terrible role model for children.”

So, let me address this objection.



  1. We've heard Obama likened to Mr. Rogers, but we didn't have many beautiful days in his neighborhood.

  2. Our president is one of the 1st. that is very honest, he doesn't lie. If he doesn't like you he says so, if he thinks you'er an idiot he says so.

  3. He is a better role model for kids than the thugs that are idolized by inner city youths.


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