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Thursday, September 27, 2018

Congressman Andy Harris Applauds Maryland Obamacare Rate Decrease

WASHINGTON, DC: On Friday, September 21, Maryland Governor Larry Hogan announced approval for an average 13.2 percent decrease to Maryland Obamacare health insurance rates, effective on January 1, 2019. The creation of a state reinsurance program through a Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) 1332 Waiver significantly contributed to the rate decrease.

Dr. Andy Harris (MD-01) made the following statement in support of the healthcare rate decrease:

“I applaud Governor Hogan for working with the Trump administration to address the unaffordable high cost of health insurance on the Obamacare exchanges. The double-digit rate relief we now see for 2019 is a testament to the wisdom of re-establishing a high-risk reinsurance system in Maryland like we had prior to Obamacare. That's exactly the mechanism proposed in the American Health Care Act to reform Obamacare that was passed by the House last year but was unfortunately rejected by the Senate."


  1. Take several seats Andy. The while health care issue is a primary symptom of the disfunction in DC due to the constant inter-party squabbling. Dems including Obama won largelybdue to the healthcare issue. Had all put the partisan bickering and platitudes to the side and worked together, commonsense solutions would have easily been found. Wake up people. Whether left or right, your constant banging on the party drums and blindly following these people isnrippong the US a part.

  2. Funny that during an election year they get off their ass and do something, but the rest of the time they are no where to be seen. That goes for you to Andy!


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