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Friday, September 07, 2018

Civil war looms for Democrats after left-wing upsets: 'This is just the beginning'

Ayanna Pressley cruised to victory in Massachusetts in a stunning primary victory Tuesday, ousting a 10-term House incumbent while promising voters she would abolish Immigration and Customs Enforcement, create government-run health care and enact free college tuition.

Liberal activists said that platform helped energize voters, giving her a 17-point margin of victory over Rep. Michael Capuano, the second longtime Democratic lawmaker to fall in a primary this year to a more liberal candidate.

It’s also vastly different than the platform Democratic leaders are selling.

The competing agendas could become a problem should the party win control of the House in November, leaving liberal activists salivating over a list of left-wing priorities that party leaders haven’t agreed to.



  1. How long have I been saying a Civil war is coming 2020:?.

    1. If the Dems put up someone like Hillary, I'd say that's a very good guess.

  2. This fringe group old Democrats call it is taking over the party.

  3. Same lies, younger people.


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