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Friday, September 28, 2018

Chris Coons Near Tears Over Flake’s Support for Kavanaugh: ‘Oh F*ck’

Sen. Christopher Coons (D-CT) on Friday morning choked up on learning Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ), a key Republican swing vote, announced he will vote to confirm Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, according to reporters on Capitol Hill.

CNN reporter Elizabeth Landers says Coons became visibly emotional when her colleague Sunlen Serfaty revealed Flake’s decision, prompting the Democrat lawmaker to respond: “Oh f*ck. We each make choices for our own reason. I’m struggling, sorry.”

Coons, described as a close friend of Flake, wrote in a 2017 October New York Times opinion-editorial that Flake’s departure from the Senate should “scare Democrats,” describing him as one of the few Republicans “willingness to speak out against his party’s current standard-bearer.”

More here


  1. Yeah, well I was near tears also. Yesterday and this morning while watching this deliberate attempt to destroy a man's reputation and his livelihood just because the Dems are afraid that he will reverse Roe vs. Wade. This was never about a sexual assault. I didn't believe Mrs. Ford. She supposedly had four witnesses. None backed her story. She supposedly had been in therapy because of the attack for years. Her therapy notes say "four boys were in on the attack." She has no idea where she was, how she got there, how she left, how many people were in the house, when it happened. But they all want to scream for an FBI investigation. What in the hell can they investigate? Her imagination. I am a woman, a Republican and I was totally disgusted with my representation from the State of Delaware yesterday and today so Coon's tears did not sway me.

  2. Coons has done absolutely nothing for working Delawareans time to vote him out.

    1. He shouldn't have been voted in. ANOTHER BIDEN wannabe. Wait till things come out about this little creep.

    2. We try and try. Come on Delaware! Vote and vote R! Vote Crazy Coons outta here.

  3. And then, they all piled into the antechamber with Sen. Flake to brow beat him into submission in typical Democratic fashion. It looked like about ten to one, with Coons leading the way since Flake is his friend. They got Flake to agree that an FBI investigation, limited in scope and time, was needed before he would vote yes on the final vote on the floor. Flake says he thinks that will stop "the tearing apart of this country."
    Will it stop the bullying behavior of the Dems? Will it bring charges against any of the people lying? Will the vote immediately go to the floor after this investigation? Who gets to interpret the results of the investigation?

  4. Shame on Flake. He is pandering for his next job

  5. Flake is another McCain. A "ROGUE" chameleon Republican that votes with the "Anarchist" "Bullying" Democrats. Flake will destroy Judge Kavanaugh because he is not running for reelection and will suffer no consequences, yet still draw his tax payer retirement. Another reason for term limits and no retirement or benefits.

  6. Coons serves his Party, not his people. I'm all for turning Delaware Red.


  7. Poor Lil Chrissie. Someone get that mental midget a box of tissues. Delaware deserves so much better!

  8. Obama Crooked BastardoSeptember 28, 2018 at 4:46 PM

    Democrats had planned to at least stall this process and make it into big circus. The judge was investigated by FBI 6 times already. And MSM keeps it spinning and Brainwashed Sheeple are cheering one minute and protesting next. It's amazing how MSM manipulates weak people's minds.

  9. Did Koons ever visit the White House?

  10. Chris Coons refers to himself as a Marxist enough said


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