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Friday, September 21, 2018

Chicago Officials HALT Obama Library Construction, Reveal Sweetheart Rent Deal

The Obama Foundation will pay a mere ten dollars for a century-long lease.

The Chicago Park District has put a halt to preparations being made for the Obama Presidential Library until after a federal court reviews a lawsuit filed by Chicago residents, and federal agencies assess the transfer of historic public land to a private entity.

But in the meantime, permits and agreements filed by Chicago city officials, and with the Chicago Department of Transportation, reveal a sweetheart rent deal that any Chicago renter (or landlord) would certainly envy: the Obama Foundation will pay a mere $10 for a 99-year lease on what is supposed to be a public park.



  1. crooks all crooks, I bet a paycheck Obama will profit off it also. Instead of spending this on a violence ridden, murder capitol - why not do a homeless shelter, food bank. Who the hell goes to libraries. All it is, is a trophy to Obama and he is nothing more than a joke, traitor, and should be in jail.

  2. Cronyism at its finest!
    And to a foreign turd no less!

  3. Who will be paying for the 40 foot statue of Obama? Or is it 140 feet?

  4. There goes the Neighborhood and their resake values. Its ok because it Will be just another @#$hole soon after its built.


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