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Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Census Bureau: Hispanic Household Income Hits Record High

The median household income for U.S. households in which the householder is Hispanic hit a record high of $50,486 in 2017, according to the Census Bureau’s annual income report, which was released last week.

“[W]e can confirm that real median household income was higher in 2017 than in any prior year for which we have data,” the Census Bureau told CNSNews.com in specific reference to Hispanic household income.

The $50,486 Hispanic median household income in 2017 (as reported in Table A-1 of the Census Bureau report) was an increase of $1,786—or 3.7 percent--from the Hispanic median household income in 2016, which was $48,700 in constant 2017 dollars.



  1. Obama did it, right?

  2. Problem is most of it is leaving the country!

    Tax that export and we can pay for the wall!

  3. This can't be true. I haven't heard it on CNN, MSNBC or in the Daily waste of Times.

  4. MAKE them legal so they HAVE to pay income taxes!

  5. On average based on a 40 hour work week (which we know is a lie) a whole 86 cent per hour raise. Pathetic. No mention of lack of healthcare and corps making record profits while people get a 86 cent raise.

  6. Well, it is a continuation of Obama era economic growth. Wages have continued to increase after the historically high unemployment rate went down. This is simple economics, not partisan cheerleading.

  7. Wow. Didn't realize they made that much. I guess these are individuals who are a different social category. Not those who cut grass etc. However other nationalities on the Eastern shore own businesses such as chicken farmers. How did that happen?

  8. This because President Trump's admin limited the number of visas so employers had no other choice but to raise wages and offer benefits to not only get but keep employees. obama the lying ghetto garbage is nothing but a slave big business as are all democrats. They want a steady stream of immigrant workers who are ready willing and able to work for slave wages so the workers get poorer and the companies get richer.

  9. Time for you racists to tune up on your Spanish skills to communicate better with us!

  10. "..Well, it is a continuation of Obama era economic growth.."

    If that was the case, it would still be growing at about .5%, like it did when he was in charge.. Obama-era BS.

    But when an actual manager took over, the economic growth took off like a rocket. And it wasn't because of ANYTHING Obammy did. It was in spite of it. The economy took off because of a tremendous increase in CONFIDENCE when Mr Trump took charge.

    But of course, you already knew that. We all did.

  11. 12:04 PM they work a lot of hours during cutting season and unfortunately they are not usually paid overtime, even though they legally should be.

    Even in an agriculture job they are not wholly exempt from overtime, but are rarely paid as they should be.


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