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Friday, September 28, 2018

Caravans of migrants continue pouring over US-Mexico border

Border Patrol agents are apprehending an increasing number of migrant groups that include more than 100 people on the northern side of the U.S.-Mexico border, and recorded two more incidents this week.

The total number of people found in large caravans wandering through southern Arizona in recent weeks now stands at 1,200, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

Agents based at Ajo Station in south-central Arizona found a group of 164 people and another that included about 100 people in the desert just north of Mexican city Sonoyta Tuesday afternoon, a press release issued Thursday stated.

Every person in the group was taken in by federal law enforcement agents and determined to be from three Central American countries: El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. The caravan members were between the ages of 11 months and 59 years.

Officials say the use of these 100- and 200-person groups has become the newest way smugglers are illegally moving people into the country.

More reasons to build the wall here


  1. Then just SEND ALL the caravans >> BACK !!! Solved !

  2. They're coming in to vote on election day!!

  3. More PROOF a Complete WALL is needed !!!! Dugh

  4. Tune to start "defending" our country people. You ARE under attack by illegals, Muslims and you sit back thinking the government can accommodate all

  5. They coming in to Vote Demon-crat like with Hillary !!!!

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