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Thursday, September 20, 2018

Broaddrick: FBI Probe Ford Allegation? Then ‘Investigate My RAPE Allegations’ Against Clinton

Commenting on Christine Blasey Ford's allegation that Brett Kavanaugh assaulted her at a beer party some 36 years ago and that the FBI must investigate the matter now before she will testify about the supposed incident, Juanita Broaddrick tweeted that if the FBI goes back that far then it must also "investigate my RAPE allegations against Bill Clinton, too."

"If you want the FBI to go back that far @HillaryClinton @MSNBC to investigate Ford's allegations .... let's investigate my RAPE allegations against Bill Clinton, too. Seems only fair," Broaddrick tweeted on Sept. 18.

Juanita Broaddrick, a retired nursing home administratior, has long maintained that Bill Clinton, when he was the Arkansas Attorney General, raped her -- a "forcible, brutal rape" -- in a hotel room in Little Rock, Ark., on April 25, 1978. At the time, Broaddrick was 35, Clinton was 31.



  1. Correct and that is a lot less than 36 YEARS BILL ?????

  2. It's fair, yes, but Hillary and her ilk have more people by the short ones than anyone knows. They've made a pact with the Devil (figuratively speaking,) and see how dim their political futures will be if they don't kowtow to the puppeteers that pull Hillary's strings.

  3. Yeah lets give Broaddrick a chance to go back just as far and redo : Monica Lewinsky, Jennifer Flowers and all the others.


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