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Sunday, September 09, 2018

Breaking News: The U.S. economy added 201,000 jobs in August, slightly topping analysts' expectations.

Political intrigue, partisan bickering and growing anxiety about a possible trade war have done little to dent the impressive streak of job creation as employers once again fattened their payrolls in August.



  1. Damn Trump! Making the economy better and adding jobs and lowering unemployment and helping blacks and Hispanics get jobs... what a racist bigot.He needs to be impeached so we can go back to depending on welfare and stripping our military and being the disrespected laughing stock of the world again!

  2. More jobs are always great news for America. Its a shame that good news has to be tainted by political nonsense.

    "Make America Great Again". What are you talking about? The monthly 200k job growth stat was a threshold that was met/exceeded during a majority of months under Obama. If you are going to clap today over this number then you need to be man enough to also say "hey, maybe that Obama guy was pretty good". Atleast that is what an honest person looking at the data would do.

    1. Obamacare had caused 28 MILLION middle (working) class citizens to become uninsured.

  3. I just hope the dairy industry rebounds in the US.

  4. Thank you for commonsense leadership President Trump!

  5. Under Obama we had 1/3 of the population out of the workforce and 2/3 on welfare of some level. He was rock bottom there was only one direction to go but the jobs created under Obama were primarily part time jobs of people that already had full time jobs to pay for Obama care which hit the middle class the hardest most paying upwards of 1200 per month. Obama said this was the new normal and responding to Trumps assertion that he could fix it Obama said Trump would need a magic wand...So 10:17 abracadabra M,effer

  6. 3 people this week have called me to go back to work,but I like being retired too much.

    1. My old boss called me back as well, but it's been 10 years since 2008. I'm now happily self employed. It felt great to tell him no!

  7. Wonder if democrats will blame this on the Russian's?

  8. Yeah but just where are they ? I am ready to move.

  9. Employers are so desperate for employees than Colin Kaepernick found a job!

  10. But, But, But... Obama just said that it didn't start under Trump, it started under his watch.

  11. Well 0bama is our saviour - right?

  12. 1133am, here we go again. You guys have really gotten waaaay too comfy with just creating your own fictional tales instead of allowing the facts to guide you. Do the country a favor and research these topics yourself instead of believing what Hannity/Rush spoon feed you. Those guys are making truck loads of money off of your ignorance.

    1) "Under Obama we had 1/3 of the population out of the workforce...": You are speaking to the Labor Force Participation Rate. Sorry to inform you, but that number has estimated 1/3 or more of the population being out of the workforce since 2004/05. The number really doesn't mean much in this debate since economists were predicting a decline in the figure for a decade or more before you even heard the name Obama. This is largely due to US demographics.

    2) "...2/3 on welfare of some level": Kind of a "duh" moment, considering we were in a world wide recession that started well before Obama. This number also includes granny getting her medical and retirement benefits; we already knew that those outlays would rise due to demographics. Many of you reading this post would be in even worse shape if you didn't have the safety net during the recession.

    3) "He was rock bottom there was only one direction to go...": NO, "WE" were rock bottom. You guys seem to believe Obama just suddenly created a world wide recession. Your lack of grasp on reality is quite alarming. We do agree though, under Obama the numbers did go UP!

    4)" jobs created under Obama were primarily part time jobs": That was the biggest LIE you told in that whole statement. Coming out of the recession, jobs increased on average 200k per month. The number of folks involuntarily working part time jobs dropped by 1.4 million over the course of 2008 to 2015. The proportion of part time workers (voluntary and involuntary) increased by only 1.3% over the Obama years. Dude, stop repeating garbage claims that are NOT backed by the data.

    Overall, all of you need to get a grip. No president wields some magic dial that turns the economy on and off. Obama didn't cause the recession. Under his leadership we saw the economy improve based on the doubling of the stock market, massive reductions in unemployment, etc. Trump inherited a strong economy and we see a continued trend of growth! This is all the definition of "WINNING" and we should all be celebrating the story of American resilience and strength together. No need for the false political narratives.


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