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Friday, September 21, 2018

Breaking News: President Trump challenged Judge Brett Kavanaugh's accuser, saying if a sexual assault "was as bad as she says," charges would have been filed.

President Trump, in a Twitter post, asked the woman, Christine Blasey Ford, to produce contemporaneous law enforcement reports “so that we can learn date, time, and place!”


  1. I for one would love to see the police report. Transparency. The accused is innocent until this proof is given.

  2. I agree. Ford is a liar. Nothing happened at all and there was no party even. We all have seen how democrats lie all the time and about everything. The reason she is being so vague is so no one can pin her down to a specific time or place just in case Kavanugh can account for his whereabouts during that time and prove the allegations are lies.

  3. She really got around in college and I am sure she is confused which guy did this.

  4. Did she go to the bedroom and then change her mind when the friend got there? Bunch of spoiled little rich kids playing house and somebody got cold feet?
    Can anybody remember what party they went to that many years ago, or who was there. Heck no. It's bullshit conveniently timed.

  5. It worked for Judge Roy Moore. Some idiot lied about being violated by Judge Moore and he lost his election because you idiots believed a 40-year-old fairy tale that was designed to hurt the Judge. Judge Moore is also a very religious man that didn't deserve to be persecuted like that. I came to his defense, but that wasn't enough.

    Thanks for doing nothing you lazy Morons!

  6. Classmates of her said she was the class slut, she could be bedded by any guy, and was!

  7. Her self-described drunken hazes blows anything she has to say completely out of the water.
    She will absolutely not testify.
    They will make up all kinds of reasons and create new "conditions", but they will NEVER mention credibility...the main reason.
    She is red meat. In a shark pool.

    (I'll bet she trusted her representative to keep her anonymous, lol, and I'll bet she's sorry she came up with this half-ass story without thinking through all the details, especially to 4:20's point --- who in the heck remembers any particular party from a period of self admitted drunkeness and memory blackouts??)
    Keep cheering.


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