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Thursday, September 20, 2018

Bombshell: Kavanaugh Accuser’s Salacious High School Yearbooks Scrubbed

Christine Blasey Ford’s yearbooks describe wild sex parties, blackouts, erotic male dancers

Christine Blasey Ford’s high school yearbooks, which are filled with references to drunken promiscuous parties where the attendees were not able to remember what happened, have been scrubbed from the Internet.

The Cult of the First Amendment blog was able to save copies of the yearbooks before they disappeared.

Christine Blasey Ford claims that Judge Brett Kavanaugh “physically and sexually assaulted” her during a party in the early 80’s when she was 15 and Kavanaugh was 17, although two other people Ford claims were present when the assault happened have denied that it ever happened.

Ford’s yearbooks, which cover her sophomore, junior and senior years, the exact time frame when she claims the assault happened, portray a debauched environment of constant binge drinking and partying.



  1. A moment too late to scrub history away, eh? So much for your Soros paid bottom feeding attorneys. The more that comes out, the less she is to be believed. No witnesses, no memory of where or when, no names to recall that can corroborate.
    This wouldn't reach the bar for an investigation in Mayberry.
    But it will continue to be fodder for lame-brained speculation and MSM public masturb****n, which suit the needs of The Party and satisfies the needs of voyeurs all across the Blue enclaves.

  2. Once again I must ask. Are you dumbocrats proud of your party of liars cheats and thieves?

  3. I went to a nearby public HS at that time. Holton Arms was known as the "slut factory" then.

  4. i also graduated in 1982 and remember very little of the parties i attended or who i got naked with.
    But my yearbook was not nearly as descriptive as hers.
    In fact, since i hung out with some people at her school, in and around Georgetown, i may have even run into her. But i don't remember trying to take her clothes off, either.

  5. I don't believe a word of it the Dems have tried everything they can throw at the wall to see what sticks so Cavanaugh doesn't get the position. No one will be accepted by them but a Democrat and whoever it is will have a record as white as snow,acid rain not allowed.

  6. NO WONDER she and her husband were seeing a therapist!

  7. Googled Christine Blasey Ford’s yearbooks and three sites came up. Alex Jones, InfoWars and SBYNews. 'Nough said. I think'll just wait for FOX News to report it before repeating this tale as true.

    1. Liberal google will never lie? Why do you need fox to tell you she is lying ? Ray Charles could see this one. Democrats can't stop lying it's nuts.

  8. 8:06 PM She's a plant by the forces of evil aka Democrats! She's a whor* and has been pimped out by her masters Chuck & Nancy

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Googled Christine Blasey Ford’s yearbooks and three sites came up. Alex Jones, InfoWars and SBYNews. 'Nough said. I think'll just wait for FOX News to report it before repeating this tale as true.

    September 20, 2018 at 8:06 PM

    I think you're supposed to read the pages of the yearbooks and look at the pictures from the yearbooks. Surely you can at least look at pictures?


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