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Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Best Tee Shirt of 2018


  1. This is the kind of bullcrap lies that #1 show you are idiots amd #2 show you are delusional. Tell me: if they dont work amd only want welfare.....how are they stealing all of your jobs? [Scratches head]

  2. Shirt is not really accurate. I am not easily offended, but immigrants built this country. I get the target it was meant for and I am 100% against illegal immigration. But if we are honest many of the illegal immigrants are hard workers! Probably based on persentages they work harder than many losers here legally. This shirt is a miss!

  3. I thought it was cute only because it some how made me think of reality. That many young people seem to forget that it only takes one to ruin your life. I giess I looked at it in a different view. (Pregnancy)

  4. @8:18 AM, LEGAL immigrants built this country. Get it right. And NO they are not that hard of a worker. They work because they are afraid of being fired if they don't. And most then are NOT skilled workers.


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