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Thursday, September 27, 2018

Baltimore's new scooters, available for rent, are already being damaged


  1. Jake would have spent $ on this too on his never ending listing of things to look like the Inner Harbor and Baltimore.

  2. Duh, all rental vehicles are subject to damage. It's part of the vehicle rental business, I don't care who they are, government, or private.

  3. we don't have the infrastructure to safely ride these, but that's not going to stop jake from bringing them here.

    it's all fun and games till someone gets hurt

  4. They don't belong on sidwalks in the the State of Maryland. Motorized wheeled vehicle.

  5. What did they think the animals in Baltimore were going to do?

  6. pretty easy to figure, any city with a population of over 60% black is going to be ruined.

  7. Placing any items of any value in the ghetto is risky.. Now they are surprised that the scooters are being damaged or stolen! Imagine that!
    What could possibly go wrong?

  8. These thugs dont care bc its the white man that pays for it.

  9. They should call them Scooby Doos. So why was it put in place to begin with. Just helps criminals to expand their hunting grounds. DUMB.

  10. Geniuses STILL running Baltimore! Very sad what that city has become over the many many years. Burn it down!

  11. And just what did he expect? He is one of them, so he should have known better. They do just the same as they do to home they are put in. They tear them up because they do not belong to them. These people are raised with no morals at all. They are taught to do as they damn well please. Taught that no one can tell them any different.


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