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Thursday, September 06, 2018

As Canada Looks At Handgun Ban, Police Union Head Says It Won't Work

Gun grabbers love the idea of banning guns. Even if they’re not (currently) talking about a total gun ban, they still want to ban certain firearms. Right now, so-called “assault weapons” are their preferred target, at least in this country.

In the Great White North, however, handguns are the target. Right now, progressive anti-gun activists and politicians are focused on ridding their country of handguns. Who cares how vital they might be for personal defense, right? Some person might do something bad, so we’re going to limit the rights of everyone else because of that one possibility.

However, not everyone in Canada thinks this move will be the miracle cure.



  1. how is canada going to keep guns from coming into canada from america? america can`t keep drugs and illegals out, so considering that canada is much poorer than the U.S. and has a much longer border with the U.S than the U.S has with mexico, how is canada going to keep guns from crossing the american border into canada?

  2. In England you can't even carry a sharp pointed knife, have one in your home no less! So now they beat each other to death! A criminal will always find a weapon and a stick, butter knife or a spoon is no match for a handgun! If the left gets a chance they will orchestrate a gun grab.

  3. "He once killed three guys with a pencil. A pencil. Who does that?"

  4. @ 8:23 He did this over a car...and a puppy...

  5. Will the handgun ban stop criminals from having handguns? NO, it will not. Only honest people will not be able to have them. They will not be able to defend themselves against those who have handguns. What are they supposed to do if someone threatens to kill them with a handgun? Tuck their tails between their legs and wait for the bullet? Absolute ignorance on the governments part. And THEY are protected by firearms and will not let us have such luxury. I believe the people will have to stand up to them soon, to protect their families. The government damn sure isn't caring about us.


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