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Saturday, September 22, 2018

Andrew Gillum Heavily Bankrolled by ‘Black Political Power’ Group Complaining Too Many ‘White Men’ Hold Office

NEW YORK — One of the primary donors central to funding Andrew Gillum’s recent meteoric rise is The Collective, a little-known but increasingly influential political organization seeking to build a “black political power” movement while complaining that there are too many “white men” holding public office.

The organization runs a “Black Campaign School” where The Collective’s co-founder says they train people on how to build a political movement in America’s “heightened, almost racist environment.” He charged that this environment has spiraled into “white supremacy” under the tenure of President Trump.

The Collective PAC, based in Washington, D.C., reportedly spent nearly $2 million to aid Gillum, Tallahassee’s mayor, in his successful primary fight for Florida’s Democratic gubernatorial nomination. The money reportedly went to fund television and radio ads and get-out-the-vote drives, playing a key role in helping Gillum defeat his contenders, some of whom were better-funded and had more statewide name recognition.



  1. To all your Florida residents who read your blog please read the platform of Dream Defenders.
    Andrew Gillum is a member.
    If you wish George Soros to run our state than by all means vote for Gillum otherwise Ron
    DiSantos (backed by President Trump) is our best choice for governor.

  2. Complete Hippocratic from the left once again, using any method possible, no matter how bigoted it may, be to gain political advantage. It flagrantly states in other words that white elected official can not and do not represent a constituency fairly. That stated, they are suggesting only a totally black senate and house can act fairly. Such a hate-filled group could never fairly represent our taxpayers. No wonder Trump won. He wouldn't be in office if sensible people didn't vote for the right to be represented. MAGA!

  3. Florida - If you like living in Florida due to the State laws you need to vote Republican. Gillium will destroy Florida with free every thing.

  4. No thought is given to the percentages in this statement of the overwhelming failure of black men in government leadership positions, most of them Democrats.

  5. Florida will become bankrupt under Gillum.

  6. I'm so tired of the blacks being able to do, say, and get away with anything they want with the race card.....the amount of double standards are phenomenal!

  7. Ever stop to think that maybe there are just not that many black men out there that posses the intelligence to hold office? Do any of you remember when blacks in Boston complained that the test to become a police officer was intentionally made to hard for a black to pass it, to keep blacks off the police force? That comment in itself is another example of ignorance. Not to mention they were inadvertently saying that whites are smarter than they are when they made that comment. Not smart enough to know just what it was they were actually saying. And now this? Maybe they need to listen to the 'black' Senator who said he was afraid that the island of Guam would flip over if the residents went to one side of the island. I call it as I see it.


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