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Friday, September 21, 2018

An Armed Pregnant Women Defended Herself, Now She Faces 24 Years in Jail

Last December, Krissy Noble (then going by her maiden name Tran) shot and killed a man who broke into her apartment and attacked her. She was 11 weeks pregnant at the time.

As ABC News described the incident:

[When her attacker was] inside, the man tackled her and began trying to cover her mouth with his hand, which she thought smelled of chemicals, the report states. He then started hitting her in the face with his fist.

After she was able to break free, Noble grabbed a pistol off the coffee table and shot the man three times before running to her neighbor's apartment and telling her to call 911, according to the report.

Noble told police that "she feared not only for her safety but for the safety of her baby, and felt that she had no other option in this situation, according to the report.

Authorities have ruled that Noble’s use of force was justified, however she now faces 24 years in jail for her actions. Why? She previously pled guilty to a felony marijuana charge.

As she told ABC 13:

"Right now I'm looking at the max, 24 years, that's my baby's life. I mean, I'm going to miss 24 years of my child... I won't even, I won't even know my child, I'll miss out on everything.”

The tragedy of Nobles’s story has several layers.



  1. Gee, no matter how many times a cop had previous complaints against him, just "fearing for his safety" would always get him off of a murder charge.

    1. What does your comment have to do with article?

    2. She is not being charged for shooting the guy .or murder. The charges stem from a previous plea deal of a felony, last December. She was not to be in possession of a firearm, Sad circumstances.and I hope officials can find a way to to keep her out of prison. She agreed to the plea deal..The gun was actually her husband's so perhaps that will be a factor in keeping her out of prison. But according to her story even that does not look promising. ..

  2. I call BS on this one...look it up-penalty for 1 ounce or less (first time offender) is 1 year and a fine...even subsequent convictions are nowhere near 24 ears. The big sentences were for VERY LARGE amount.

  3. The law's the LAW, good or bad. The people of Arkansas need to have their laws changed, or she should have found another way to defend herself. Under the circumstances, she will never get 24 years for what she did, but the people of Arkansas are serious about convicted felons not having guns. Not one law for some felons, but not others. Again, the law's the law.

  4. It's not the murder charge. She's a felon in illegal possession of a firearm... That's what they are spinning back on her.


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