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Thursday, September 27, 2018

A Viewer Writes: Julie Brewington

I’ve been keeping an eye on Julie’s Page and she constantly rants about men’s lives she could destroy. I guess she’s a “victim” of sexual assault too. Although the sleazy way she spoke to those officers in her arrest video makes me think otherwise. I’m sure this “lady” gets drunk a lot and likes to flirt.

Publishers Notes: Julie made every attempt to ruin my life/marriage and it immediately backfired with a Judge in Court who threw out her case when she in fact was caught in a massive LIE. She filed false charges against me and openly admitted herself that they were all lies. When the Judge asked why she had done so she replied, "HE'S CREEPY". 


  1. How many men's lives she could destroy? Really? Nice admission of guilt, there, Julie. Most of the judges in the jurisdiction already have your number, and I don't mean your phone number. Same goes for any attorney who likes to win cases for clients instead of just sucking a few thousand dollars from them.
    While we're at it, here's a person who spends $1000 to counter a claim for medical treatment to the tune of $170, which was lost in court, plus court fees in excess of the original amount.

    It makes me wonder if she is an unwitting (superlative there) plant of the likes of John Cannon's, Jake Day's and their tool, Jack Heath. Put an idiot up for election, successfully let the public impugn them, then ride home on the results. (Yippee, we won because we're the best! {Well, at least we weren't the worst....})

    1. That theory is working in Delaware with Scott Walker.

    2. She’s no saint so it’s like crying wolf with all the affairs and flirting at some point you have to be accountable for your decisions Julie.

  2. 1:15 - who said she offered money to the attorneys? You boys had better watch your backs!

  3. Those who have had a go-round with Julie had better watch their backs (thanks, 1:23), because she has zero in the way of scruples.

  4. One way of getting her out of ALL of our lives - STOP GIVING HER PUBLICITY!

    She's a very sad excuse of an individual with addiction problems and requires help.

    THE END!

  5. Funny to watch all you smallsville gossips. Most women could ruin a lot of men's lives thru the awful behaviour prevalent in this community.

    I just went thru a job interview where I was advised that I would most likely hear smut talk and foul language throughout the day, or on occasion, from the guys that work in the company. And that I should not take it personally.

    So instead of curbing this behaviour he justified subjecting me to it, and defended it.

    .... sigh ....

  6. The only difference between a grope and a fondle is a smile.

  7. "Although the sleazy way she spoke to those officers in her arrest video makes me think otherwise. I’m sure this “lady” gets drunk a lot and likes to flirt."

    FLIRT? Looked to me like she propositioned a law officer.

  8. She is nothing more than a drunken floozie, period.

  9. When was the last time you believed a drunk?

  10. Im guessing that is a Dani O'Donnell comment there. Tell your hubby whats up? and how many times you gave your number out at convention?


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