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Sunday, September 09, 2018

A Viewer Writes: Get Folking struck by lightning!

We have a plan!!

Come on down and we will dangerously stuff you under a tent during one of these storms!!

Most festivals and beaches ask you to disperse to safe surroundings and stop playing - but we want to stuff a bunch of you under a tent a hope you don't get struck by lightning or electrocuted because we are desperate to prove this event successful even if it takes putting you at risk!!

Even the weather man says - Thunder Roars Go Indoors!! - but Jake said its ok to stand under a tent held up with metal poles!



  1. Even when asked directly the city shills can't help but to continue to lie. I was there. And there was nowhere near 5,000 people down there. The stupid amphitheater with absolute no shelter despite Jakes announcement that they were covered for bad weather had less than 60 people there at 7pm. We were standing against the hotels under the roof overhang out of the rain listening to the fiddle band.

    As seen on their fb page

    Michelle DeCosta Smith · 0:00 Where are the 20,000 people?

    City of Salisbury, Maryland · 0:00 All over Downtown! Where are you?

  2. Why would Jake care? A lawsuit will come out of the pockets of the city taxpayer, money he won't hesitate to squander.

  3. stupid people do stupid things and then they try to sue someone for their poor choices.it`s the liberal american way.

  4. Whaaa Whaaa Whaaa bunch of whuzzies....get your pussy hats and head back underground! The sky is falling for you losers.

  5. Got it. So when you can no longer say there was no turnout, you have to find something else to cry about. Typical entitled snowflake.

  6. Lighting my a$$ , sit with a bunch of queers.

    1. Spoken by the last real man on the planet, I’m sure.

  7. I was there 3 times yesterday; 11:00 AM, 3:00 PM & 6:00 PM, and the number of cars in the satellite lot never exceeded 275. @ 4 per car, that's 1,100 people MAXIMUM, and most likely less! Walking through downtown to every stage, i thought an accurate head count would be between 1,000 and 1,200; 1,500 being overly generous. I didn't count all the volunteers, performers, and police/ fire. And it didn't rain that much, either, so you couldn't really blame it on that.

    Face facts, Jake. You gambled and lost, just like everybody here predicted.

  8. Thanks in support of sharing such a nice thinking, post is pleasant,
    thats why i have read it fully

  9. Lies lies and more lies!! They "might" get 5,000 people total for the whole three days. I guarantee slot of the performers will pass on coming back next year

  10. I bet the O'Hare family is having a hard time going back down there this morning. They found out the hard way about Jake Day and his ability to throw others under the bus with no remorse. Day got them hook line and sinker

  11. 1:40. Guess you aren't a Salisbury city taxpayer.

  12. LOL CP'ed from the City of Salisbury Facebook page:

    City of Salisbury, Maryland · 0:00 We expect 60,000 to 80,000 people, not just 20,000! Even with the rain the crowds are huge!
    · Reply · 57m

  13. The "WHOLE" festival started off with lie after lie. Hogan stating every hotel in the area was sold out. Tom Stevenson stating the traffic problems were due to an accident that took out a traffic signal and not poor planning. Now the lies about it being successful. Literally not 10,000 people for the ENTIRE three days

  14. Oh a man cave persona - first to run for cover when a few rain drops fall.Lol

  15. 7:42 - Hogan and the Perdue family were conned by Day to be honorary co-chairs. Don't know how much his father was involved to get the Perdue family.

    I do know this - Jake Day has embarrassed the Governor and the Perdues by having them put their names on such an ill-conceived and ill-run project. Anyone who knows anything about running events and having honorary chairs understands that you NEVER put them in a bad light.

    Also noticed that Bob Culver kept his distance from this fiasco. As a Wicomico taxpayer - good to see!

  16. I personally saw Tom Stevenson driving a City of Salisbury pickup truck on Thursday morning. He pulled out of the lot where the Perdue tent was onto W. Main Street driving the wrong way in order to pass around those of us who were patiently stopped for the red light, so that he could expedite his travels up into the left turn lane at the Mill Street intersection. Fine example of disobeying traffic laws by an employee of the City of Salisbury.

  17. Well every morning I get up check the news and call my mother... we always talk about this site. She has a home in Florida as well and keeps up with local news using only this site. We love the post!!! She had a problem one time and emailed joe the response was IMMEDIATELY. I even returned a new pair of Levi’s after seeing that crap yesterday I’ll buy Carhart or something else. That being said after I’ve ranted.... my mother has a friend that works with the city just for two more years then as she puts its “By the Grace of God” I can retire. Told her last night as they were on the phone talking about things that she had heard at work or through work “mom wasn’t specific with details and would never post but I will “ that some rumors were flying around about how bad publicity they got from a certain news source that it had a huge negative impact. Then on top of that said it causes firestorms in the city regularly. Now there pissed because EVERYONE knows ocean city md and now the owner of the site has a huge platform being a owner down there that it will cause more problems because out of stare people will know now and follow his site . Just thought I’d share that I’ve enjoyed laughing at the rain and hearing that it’s a news sites fault for poor turnout this morning having coffee and talking with my mother. Keep up the good work Mr. Albero!

  18. I was there last night harassed multiple times about giving a donation. After the 3rd time I told this one lady no thank you I decided to give her $10. She didn't even thank me. Aggravated I sat and watched her to see if she thanks others. She didn't but I did observe her pocket money at least 2 times. Classic

  19. 6:31Am
    Yes it did rain a lot.

  20. It is unfortunate that the festival has not been as successful as was anticipated. An objective review of the festival and the logistics involved will probably disclose a lack of adequate promotion and rainy weather contributing to poor participation. It could have been a good thing for the area and local businesses. Sometimes the best laid plans of mice and men go awry.

  21. I was part of the "bucket brigade". In my 8 hour shift I collected $9.34, a bus token, and a tract from some religious organization. Some of my cohorts collected nothing, said the spectators advised they had already given. Wonder who will pick up the tab? By the way I am a city employee not a civil servant and was strongly advised to volunteer or suffer the circumstances. In the three days I worked 21 hours at the festival, had to buy my own food andnot even supplied with water. Go Jake!!!!!

  22. Don't only blame Jake. He had the embezzler Jack Heath involved. I wonder how much money went into his pocket this time.


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