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Sunday, September 09, 2018

A Viewer Writes: Festival and business closure Friday


I just heard that some of the business down by market street have to be closed Friday do to the Festival. The employees of these businesses will not be payed for that day. Is the city going to compensate these employees for loss work? I think they should.


  1. So you're saying they arent working but you expect them to be paid? Maybe you need to work for Jake Day too.

    1. I would be angry if I couldn't go to work because of this event. Lots of people need the money to feed their families and are WILLING to work for it. Evidently you do not need money.

    2. Do now your job is an entitlement? Wow. Socialists everywhere you turn.

  2. Don't worry this whole event is going to be cancelled.RAIN.

  3. Why would they have to be closed. I have attended other festivals in downtown areas and all the businesses are open because they are hoping to make some $$. How could the city possibly dictate whether you are open or not?

  4. they do not have enough cops to patrol the Folked Festival and waited to now to deal with it. They are going to other jurisdictions for help.

    The fact that they waited to this point only goes to show how clueless they are because hiring cops is expensive since it is all overtime.

  5. This just shows how backwards all this really is. All you hear is promoting downtown. So why wouldn't you want those business to stay open. If they actually had a turnout then those business would get foot traffic they normally wouldn't see.

  6. Rain and storms in the forecast from Friday to Sunday!!!!
    Not good news for this festival!
    I predict this will fail and the taxpayers of the city of Salisbury will be the ones forced to pay for this fiasco!

    I feel sorry for the businesses and their employees who work on the downtown place being forced to park in the parking garage.

    This will encourage more businesses to leave this city.

  7. A friend of mine, who runs a business down there that will be open, asked if the city was doing anything to prevent concert goers from parking on their parking lot Friday and Saturday. She said the person just laughed at her, and then said someone would call back. No call received yet.
    I guess it will be the wild, wild West this weekend.
    Again, very poor planning and communication with area businesses. "A wing and a prayer event planners, LLC"

    1. Because if you haven't figured it out yet Dem socialists aka fake day and the queer crowd want to replace buissnesss with welfare buildings aka Dem votors.

  8. I think they are praying for rain so they have something to blame the lack of attendance on

  9. 9:17 - YES!! If you are forced out of work by a city due to a festival you absolutely should be reimbursed. Cannot believe I even had to write this!!

  10. Someone should look into how much the police overtime is going to be! Should cost the city more than any buckets will bring in!

  11. Quit being so damn dumb people, they want the businesses closed so the workers are not taking up parking spaces since they are short on that already!!!!!! And if I am more that capable of working, and need to work to pay bills, YES they should be compensated since the CITY if FORCING them CLOSED, not the other way around where they want to be closed or something like that, so in essence that is different than getting paid not to work in the eyes of you who said it or think it... YES on the general typical theme, they would be getting paid for not working, the difference here is they can work and want to work but are forced not to, BIG difference in the people you think about when you say that crap about getting paid to not work...

    I can;t wait for you dumb ass people who say this crap get affected by the same crap you spew... I can;t wait for when you are in need, or want help or have a tax issue or some fee issue or that you are forced to not work becasue of some event, then you can;t get your bills paid and then you get late fess and the like, hell I hope your electric gets shut off because of it, then maybe, ,just maybe you god damn losers would shut the fuck up about all of this crap... People need help at times and nothing is wrong with that, you people seem to think everyone can be painted with the same broad brush...

    Would you people stop being so damn obtuse and use your brain just even a little bit????????????????

    I don't wish bad things on anyone, but hell with it, I do with you clowns, and I know for a fact once it has happened to you, you will never run your mouth about people needing help again in your lifetime!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Some of us are asking for high winds and lightning! Best way to clear them all out for liability reasons!

  13. It's going to rain! Even GOD thinks this festival is a bunch of crap!

  14. Class action lawsuit.

  15. 11:04 AM please take your meds

  16. As someone who works on East Main Street, the concern we are having is that there will be no where for us or our clients to park on Thursday and Friday. There are not many places to park close to our office on a regular business day. We don't have an issue parking in the garage for those days but we were informed by someone in the parking office that we will be lucky to find an open spot. We have elderly and handicapped clients that are unable to walk long distances to get to our office. We are not a business that is going to profit in any way from the folk festival, and in fact will most likely suffer because of it. We already have clients calling to ask where they are supposed to park for their appointments on Friday and we don't really have an answer for them. We have already been inconvenienced for almost two years due to the street "renovations" and businesses on our block have suffered the consequences. My business is going to remain open on Friday, so I am not specifically worried about lost wages, but I am unsettled about the general lack of concern that the city government has for downtown businesses. A majority of the businesses downtown are professional offices such as law firms, financial offices, etc. Without these establishments, downtown would essentially be empty except for the handful of restaurants and shops. The city certainly does need to do more to protect and accommodate these types of businesses.

  17. @9:51 ANY festival in Salisbury eventually turns into the wild wild west in one form or the another

  18. The word is paid, not "payed."


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