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Tuesday, August 28, 2018

You've Gotta Love Millennials


  1. HAHAHAHAHA Awesome!

  2. Thanks, joe. What a great way to wake up this morning. Better than the dog licking my face.

  3. Thank goodness not all millennials are lazy deadbeats and there will be a good president out of the bunch...same as boomers out of Woodstock era. Sad and bad part was the fat failure that lost to President Donald J. Trump slipped through the cracks from Woodstock. It happens, she thought she should get the trophy for participating. The Donald flushed her out so fast she still doesn't realize it, along with her cult.

  4. Excellent. Thank God that all of our Presidents aren't elected until they are at least 50-60 years old so some of us will be out of here by the time they take office. Cute song.

  5. Baby boomers use the mpst social security and mediccare. Guess what the republicans are cutting next? HAHAHAHA BYE BYE “Greatest Generation” MILLENNIALS RULE!!

  6. And guess who is not going to collect SS and medicare. MILLENNIALS. We present day seniors get the last laugh.


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