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Tuesday, August 07, 2018

WMDT Re-Tweet

I was going to write this long post about your local Liberal Media but as I kept writing all I could think was, why am I repeating the same stuff over and over again when YOU are smart enough to make your own statements through comments. 


  1. Dave T: Former first lady or not, I despise what she represents. I'm sure she's worried about voter registration -- get those illegals and prisoners registered! Because we both know the real populous can't stand this witch disguised in sheep's clothing.

  2. She hates America but loves the $$$$ her Muslim husband makes.

  3. 12:17 Unlike you, she has a law degree and is capable of making more money in a year than you make in 10 years. I'm no Obama fan, but can't stand when people make stupid statements.

    1. Actually she had a law degree.... she's not able to practice anymore... loom up her bar info on Chicago website. Her and her hubby

    2. Law degree yes. But had to give up a license to be a lawyer corrupt is her middle name .Her husband had to give his up too. Should tell you something about them both

    3. Since when is being a little lawyer considered to be an admirable profession?? She or her husband actually worked in their professed field. They knew they could steal more money through politics than actually practicing law

  4. You do know this is a national event right? Everyone is able to participate. If having MO involved scares you away from getting involved, then who is the real snow flake?

  5. Does it matter. Republican or Democrat. You should vote.

  6. Like the $300,000 per year she made from the Chicago hospital for doing nothing more than being married to Obama?

  7. " Anonymous said...

    12:17 Unlike you, she has a law degree and is capable of making more money in a year than you make in 10 years. I'm no Obama fan, but can't stand when people make stupid statements.

    August 7, 2018 at 12:48 PM"

    She may have a law degree but she was never a success as a lawyer. She's not been a success at anything but lying. I agree though she can make money because of the low class lying garbage the we good people are stuck with in this country will pay the ghetto filth money to hear and read her propaganda and lies.

  8. Imagine the outrage if GW Bush being a white man fought against Obongo's policies. Liberals make me sick. The democrap party has been hi-jacked by progressive sjw's.

  9. So shes a lawyer in my book and thats not a honest living. But for her it fits. lies and deception from an angry bitter anti american bigot married to a a lying deceptive sedtious traitor.


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