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Thursday, August 09, 2018

Welfare for immigrants is alien to our laws, history, and traditions

Immigration is an elective policy of a sovereign nation. It should benefit America and never create a public charge. That notion is one of the most foundational principles of our country. It dates back to colonial times and has been enforced by the states since the founding and then by the federal government when it fully reclaimed immigration in the 1880s. That immigrants shouldn’t be a public charge is still the law on the books, yet it’s rarely enforced. Now that the Trump administration is seeking to enforce the law, suddenly the Left is screaming about denying immigrants their rightful citizenship.

NBC published a report predicting that any week now, Stephen Miller will convince President Trump to sign off on a policy denying citizenship to those immigrants on welfare. In other words, he will be the first president in recent years to follow the letter and spirit of immigration statutes. The media is ready with a barrage of sob stories with no regard for the harm to American citizens.

The notion of immigrants coming here and obtaining public assistance would have been foreign to our Founders, even if they could have envisioned a welfare state for those already here. In 1813, Madison said emphatically to Morris Birkbeck, “… it is not either the provision of our laws or the practice of the Government to give any encouragement to emigrants, unless it be in cases where they may bring with them some special addition to our stock of arts or articles of culture.”

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  1. If you receive welfare on certain visa's your sponsor can be fined quite heavily or thrown in jail. Sounds like lack of enforcement to me.

  2. The Government should enforce all the laws of the US. Democrats have been stating a lot lately that we are a Country of laws when it comes to accusing Republicans. So now they are contending that our Country of laws only apply to whom the Socialist Democrats determine are applicable. This does not include Socialist / Liberal / Democrats / illegals etc. according to the Democrats.

  3. This is how Dems buy Votes.


  4. Can see circumstances when a legal immigrant might need to make use of one/some social programs. If they have been pursuing citizenship, would put a stop/hold on the clock until they had were self supporting again. Sometimes challenging conditions confront those who are otherwise blameless.


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