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Saturday, August 25, 2018

WALSH: It's Time To Tear Down The Statues Of These Three Monstrous Liberal Heroes

The Left was ecstatic this week when "protestors" (read: criminal vandals) toppled a Confederate statue on the campus of University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. This, of course, is just the latest monument of its sort to be removed, legally or illegally, in the name of combating white supremacy. There seems to have been a precedent established over the past few years: if you don't like a statue, pull it down. The law will step to the side and allow felony destruction of property to occur.

There are a few problems with this precedent, starting with its uneven application. It has been open season on "offensive" monuments, only so long as they are monuments to 19th century white guys from the American south. The rather selective nature of this historical purging has led many people — myself included — to suspect that there is a specifically left-wing ideological motivation behind this outcry against statues. If it is not ideological, if our modern sensibilities simply will not tolerate statues that commemorate "problematic" figures of any sort, then why hasn't the outrage extended beyond Confederate soldiers?

Many people in the south feel that this is an attack on their heritage and history. If it is not that, if it is really just a movement against evils like racism and slavery, then all statues associated with evil should come down. This is not "whataboutism." This is simply a matter of consistently applying a principle. The statue-toppling mobs, if their motives were honest, would assemble to yank down, stomp, and spit upon the following non-Confederate monuments. Though of course I would only want this to be done legally:

1) The monument to child sex predator Harvey Milk in San Francisco.


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