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Tuesday, August 07, 2018

UPDATE: Bone Found In Chest Off Stinky Beach In WOC

WEST OCEAN CITY — More details have emerged Tuesday afternoon in the mysterious discovery of what is being described as a “seaman’s chest” containing possible human remains in the bay near Homer Gudelsky Park, or what is commonly known as Stinky Beach.

Around 9 a.m. on Tuesday morning, a couple from Ellicott City, Md., was walking on the beach and in the water off Stinky Beach, a narrow, sandy sliver of beach at the end of Old Bridge Road in West Ocean City, when they came across an odd discovery in the water.

“The couple was walking in the water and stumbled over something submerged,” said Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Public Information Officer Lieutenant Ed Schreier. “They described it as a chest or maybe a seaman’s chest. They couldn’t get it out of the water, so they opened it.”

Schreier said when the couple opened the chest, they found some personal items including a shoe, some pieces of pottery and a bone. He said it was uncertain at this point if the bone was a human remain. However, the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner was contacted and was on the scene around midday on Tuesday.



  1. Most likely Blackbeard still clinching a bottle of rum.

  2. It's a clue. Keep looking.

  3. They finely have found Jimmy Hoffa.

  4. Could be the remains of Nick Idoni Jr.


  5. Anonymous said...
    Could be the remains of Nick Idoni Jr.


    August 7, 2018 at 9:19 PM

    He is already buried you dumb ass!

  6. 1104am - come on, not everyone is a know-it-all like you. Urban legend killer!

    Like he really committed suicide in a field.....sure!

  7. The train bridge used to cross the bay right there at stinky beach! Until they dredged for "Shanty Town" there were pilings going out from shore. In high school in the 1970's it was a big spot to take your girl for a few beers and some romance! AHHHH The memories seems like just yesterday.

  8. ...and these dumb asses leave the evidence at the scene and, when they return, the tide has washed it back out to sea! Wow!


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