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Friday, August 10, 2018

Two cops are suspended after 'doing nothing' while a teen stomped on their police cars

Two New Jersey officers have been suspended after they remained in their vehicles while a teen was caught on video stomping all over three police cruisers.

In the shocking video, the teen, who was later identified by police as 18-year-old Altahriq Aulston, is seen standing on the hood of one car on Saturday.

He then jumps down hard and peaks inside the officer's window.



  1. These same cops would be fired if they did nothing when it came time to shoot someone in the back too so either way you are damned if you do and damned if you don't...

  2. How does one even try to pronounce that darling dearest's name?

    Cops are afraid to do their jobs.

  3. Suspended for not arresting is better then indicted for arresting. I do not blame the police. This is what liberals want now they have it.

  4. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. They sit in their car, get suspended. Get out, attempt to apprehend the individual, get called racist/facist/nazis for doing their job, incite a riot, start a race war, etc.

    While I don't agree with it, I understand EXACTLY why they figured it'd be better this way.

  5. This is the mind set since the last administration turned the country upside down.

    I get that the police were concerned of being reprimanded with each bystander holding a electronic device hand out by the last administration.

    Bottom line is their cowardice will spread and cause even more display of destruction. They missed a good opportunity to snatch the feet from under this punk and hopefully crack his scull on the way down.

  6. Can't blame them.... Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Had they confronted him, restrained him, tased him, etc you'd be reading another story about unprovoked police brutality on an angelic choir boy. This is the same thing going on in Baltimore right now. Police are not engaging unless they have to in order to avoid any backlash (protesting, rioting, etc). We are becoming a society ruled by the lawless.

  7. Should’ve shot him!

  8. Yup - they should have shot the thug for assaulting them while they feared for their lives!

  9. Ha Ha! A teen. The new pc euphemism for black thug criminals.

  10. Punching the accelerator would teach that young thug a valuable lesson!

  11. 11:55
    It would have also gotten him a nice hefty payday. These thugs do this type of stuff hoping they will get a quick payday from the police. Many times even when the police were justified they still receive a payment. Better to replace a vehicle than to have to pay millions to the family.

  12. 12:28 is absolutely correct. Entice the police to arrest you for being an idiot and then sue them or settle out of court.


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