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Monday, August 13, 2018

Twenty Shot in Chicago, One Fatally

Twenty people were shot in Chicago on Friday and early Saturday morning, one of them fatally. Just a week after the city experienced its deadliest weekend in years with 74 shootings, the violence on the South and West sides claimed another young victim, an 18-year-old man shot in the head in a Brighton Park alley on Friday. Throughout the rest of the day and into Saturday, several other teenagers were shot. A 15-year-old boy and his 17-year-old cousin were shot while walking to a store on the city’s West Side. A 12-year-old girl was among several other minors injured in the spate of shootings throughout the city. “Chicago is a scary place to be. Even I’m scared to walk to the corner store,” Genice Hines, the mother of one of the teenage victims, told the Chicago Tribune. The latest flare-up in violence comes as the police department prepares to send an additional 600 officers into the city’s most dangerous districts in a bid to cut down on shootings.


  1. " no arrest's have been made"..last sentence in the article

  2. I hear ECI employee are having another rally.

  3. Only one fatality? They better work on their aim and that'll help solve the problem.

  4. Did they get Rahm yet?

  5. More guns is the answer

  6. Who is paying the medical bills...oh right Obamacare.

  7. We need to send them some Hollow-Point ammo, too many are surviving.


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