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Saturday, August 25, 2018

'This Will Buy Us Time': Maryland's Plan to Lower Obamacare Premiums, for Now, Gets Federal Approval

State officials plan to announce Wednesday that the Trump administration has approved a federal waiver that is expected to stave off increases in health insurance costs for more than 200,000 Marylanders.

The two main sponsors of the legislation designed to control costs under Obamacare confirmed that the federal government has given Maryland the green light for its reinsurance program.

Amelia Chasse, a spokesman for Gov. Larry Hogan, confirmed plans for a Wednesday announcement but would not provide details. House Speaker Michael E. Busch and Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller are expected to speak at the event.

Del. Joseline Pena-Melnyk and Sen. Thomas M. "Mac" Middleton, who sponsored the bills to fill the gap left by Congress' elimination of a key source of funds for Obamacare, said they have been told the waiver has been approved.

"I'm very pleased that the work of the General Assembly is going to pay off," said Pena-Melnyk, a Prince George's County Democrat. "Honest to God, I think it's fantastic."

Passage of the bills creating the reinsurance plan and seeking the waiver were hailed as one of the chief bipartisan accomplishments of Maryland's 2018 General Assembly session.



  1. So they are taxing insurance insurance companies so they can give them money back so they don't raise rates. Who is going to pay those taxes

  2. This will happen. Premiums going up 50 to 100 percent across the country in October, before the elections, will cost the Republicans at least 40 seats in the House. And many Gov. races. Possible it costs the Senate.
    Trump has been neutralized by fighting with the press. And his first mistake was Jeff sessions when he took office. Trouncing the Fed for raising interest rates is another big mistake as people living on fixed incomes are not going to support him, and want their obamacare.
    Trump is a Lame duck president already. He's overwhelmed with legal issues now. Other than Executive orders which will all be challenged in court.
    Obamacare will not go away and will increase thru a single payer system most likely.
    Blame it all on the republicans. They screwed it all up.

  3. Quote - Middleton, a Charles County Democrat, said the elimination of the mandate contributed to a roughly 50 percent increase in premiums last year and threatened to force another 40 percent increase this year

    Lies Lies and more lies.
    Middleton is an idiot.

    1. Maryland granted the Ins carries a bigger increase than what they asked for. Thats a big part of the problem.

    2. People left the market because it was unaffordable, the mandate was not a factor. I had a choice, 12K for insurance or $700 tax penalty. Its a no brainer.

    3. Quote - and proposals to require all Maryland residents to buy health insurance as a way to replace the federal individual mandate - Here it comes, now the state will demand you buy something you can not afford, and they will be charging you $700 because if the fed can do it so can they.

    You can thank that miserable pos obama. Send him a thank you note.

  4. Obamacare is killing us. We pay $21,500 per year with a $6,000 deductible per person for our family of four. This is the cheapest plan that was offered in Worcester county.

    1. I feel your pain, My family is right there also, affordable? To whom I ask....

  5. 11:26 AM I had two choices in 2018
    12K a year and a 2K deductible, or
    6K a year and an 8K deductible.

    I quit and paid the penalty since both of those took up a third of my NET pay.

    It's ridiculous.

    1. 12:04 I did the same. 10000.00 a year in premiums with a 10000.00 deductible for just me. No medical issues and on no medications. Its ridiculous. 9:09 you can blame the Republicans all you want but the cold hard truth is I haven't been able to afford insurance for myself since Obamacare started and you can thank Obama for that.

  6. Barry was a puppet
    He did and said what he was told
    We live in a Facist Police State


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