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Friday, August 24, 2018

The POWERFUL Moment Sarah Huckabee Sanders Will Never Forget


  1. Wow , she is doing something and saying something now , God Bless her.

  2. And millinial want this again bc there Stupid.

  3. Wonderful Sara and you are doing just that speaking up for our country!

  4. Gov. Huckabee gave Sarah a great lesson; would be great for all parents to do this for their children...Sarah has become a very strong woman with 'settled' core values. This is why she is able to take the crap dished out daily from the ignorant fake news masses. She makes them look like total fools and I happen to like that. Go Sarah.

  5. Wonderful Sara and you are doing just that speaking up for our country!

  6. 10:50, that was almost the English language!

    Keep practicing!

  7. I would have expected nothing less.

  8. Sarah Sanders does a very good job. She holds it together and reply's holding her head high. I could not do her job. I get pissed watching only a portion of the Q & A. Those punks need to be taken out back and dealt with.

  9. 1:14
    English Language - hilarious!
    Really funny


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