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Friday, August 31, 2018

Thank God Its Friday 8-31-18

What will you be doing this weekend?


  1. HS football. Go Bennett

  2. Beer and crabs...maybe some oysters on the half shell for an appetizer!

  3. Take my mother shopping, then yard work if the weather permits, then relaxing with a cold beer and my favorite music!

  4. Praying that I get the job I just interviewed for. Job hunting at age 55 is quite the drag...

  5. going down beach sun and fun and by way going to stop by gillis island and hang me up one of my TRUMP flags by his house

  6. 10:06 I will pray you get your job. I am a little older than you but I had to give up my job due to cancer. May you always be healthy enough to work and find a job that you like.

  7. Tradition for a NASCAR fan. Watching the "Southern 500" in Darlington Sunday night! Where no one will Kneel for the Anthem. And a prayer will be said.


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