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Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Sweden In Crisis: Leading PM Candidate Vows Migration Reforms As Nationalism Surges

After reeling from the sight of approximately 100 burning cars, frequent shootings, grenade attacks and sexual assaults, populism is rising in Sweden - as evidenced by the anti-immigration right-wing Sweden Democrats party surging in polls leading up to next month's September 9 elections. Both the center-left and center-right parties have ruled out working with the Sweden Democrats, a party with neo-Nazi roots that wants to freeze immigration and to hold a referendum on Sweden’s membership of the European Union. That said, the moderate parties may be forced to adopt SD measures in order to assuage public calls for tougher policies on crime and immigration.

In response, the head of the center-right Moderate party, Ulf Kristersson, is now on the offensive when it comes to crime and migrants - telling the Financial Times that Swedes have lost trust in the government, and that the country is "paying the price for 20 years of "very unsuccessful integration policies" by both left and rightwing governments."



  1. The Swedes, being civilized and all, thought they were allowing muslim mathematicians, philosophers, doctors, and scientists into Sweden.

    What they got were hyper-violent, misogynist, misfits, and killers.

    Nothing like welcoming a guest into your home, only to find he plans to rape your wife, sell your daughter into slavery, beat your son to death and cut your head off in front of them.
    Looks like Sweden has a lot of democrats, too.
    Just as stupid, too.

  2. Islam is the inststrument being used by the UN and the luciferian principles they stand on. Two peas in the pot along with democrats progressive lefitst and communist. All Godless. Its all i need to know


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