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Thursday, August 02, 2018

Spanish Police Warn 50,000 Migrants Waiting in Morocco to Invade Spain

“Pressure cooker” of human tidal wave ready to explode

Police sources are warning that 50,000 illegal migrants from sub-Saharan Africa are waiting in Morocco to invade Spain.

As we reported yesterday, boatloads of migrants are already washing up on Spanish beaches in scenes that have shocked observers.

Now according to a report in Spanish newspaper El Mundo, North Africa is becoming a “pressure cooker,” with at least 50,000 African migrants desperate to cross into the European country via the Strait of Gibraltar.

The report explains how criminal people smugglers are helping the migrants circumvent border controls in Morocco while telling them that Spain is their “paradise”.

The number of migrants waiting to storm Spain is currently at 50,000 and “continues to grow,” with the men becoming more “violent” in their efforts to reach Europe.

Spain has become the number one point of arrival for migrants crossing the sea to Europe in 2018, with over 21,000 arrivals so far, a process that has quickened after the country’s socialist government gave the green light for open borders.



  1. Democrats should love those pictures since they want open borders here. Those migrants are invaders and should be killed the instant they enter set foot on Spanish soil, better yet would be to kill them all at sea and let the sharks clean up the remains.

    1. If the Spanish people don't stand up for themselves then Screw em.let them become a Muslim Soros speaking country.


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