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Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Society Is Unraveling: A Young Boy Will Have No Father For The Rest Of His Life Because A Psycho Started Shooting At A Madden Tournament

Why would anyone ever want to kill somebody over a video game?

The thin veneer of civilization that we all depend upon on a daily basis is disappearing at a staggering pace.

On Sunday, the young men that gathered to participate in the Madden Championship Series tournament in Jacksonville probably never imagined that they would be in any sort of danger, but then gunfire erupted around 1 PM. Approximately 20 rounds were fired before the shooter killed himself, and it is being reported that 11 gamers were injured and 2 were killed. One of the victims that was killed was Taylor ‘SpotMePlzzz’ Robertson. He was a good man with a wife and a very small son, and now his son won’t have a father for the rest of his life. There have been many other mass shootings in recent years, but this one was just so senseless. Personally, I have just been really shaken up all day. Why would anyone ever want to kill somebody over a video game?

According to authorities, it has been confirmed that the shooter was 24-year-old David Katz



  1. He didn't get his trophy. That it what it boils down to. These are the kids that grow into adults having never been told no or that you may fail at things in your life. It happens. It's called life and normal people deal with it and move on. Snowflakes melt down and this is the result.

  2. Until Public Health Hospitals for the mentally challenged are re-opened, this will continue. Give help where it is needed first before giving foreign aid.

  3. Killer was on mind altering drugs and had been under treatment for mental illness. Here we go again...

  4. He had a mental illness. Everrytime a young white man does it it’s a mental illness!

  5. Someone that should have gotten help for mental health but didnt. What do you expect with a for profit healthcare system?

  6. Young boy ? He was a grown ass man playing video games hence the issue.

  7. 1051 don't you get it. A minority commits a crime and its a symptom of an entire race/culture. White person does same crime, well lets study the issue and the psyche of this individual.

  8. He was from Baltimore.

  9. It's whacko progressives playing these stupid war games that are causing all the shootings, not the guns.

  10. 12:06: FANTASTICALLY PUT!!!!

  11. And how many have no dad because 28 Crazies in Chicago shot someone the same weekend?
    Florida was nothing in comparison to Every weekend in Chicago.

  12. And thousands of families will have no father or son or daughter or mother or brother or sister etc, because of physco blacks killing other blacks in Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, etc, etc. Every single day.

  13. @ 4:10 PM, Right on. But they do not report on that. A white does it and it's headlines all over the country. Blacks do it every single day and not one word.

  14. @ 12:06 PM, No you don't get it. Blacks say that we whites are killing off their young men. When it is the blacks that are doing it. Plus they say that the police are killing off their young men. But it's the blacks that are doing it. Plenty of proof of that. Blacks killing blacks in the hundreds every week. All across America, Especially in the big cities. And YOU know it. If blacks are committing the majority of crimes, then exactly who are we going to say did it? Eskimo's? Can't hide the truth when it's right in your face.


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