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Friday, August 24, 2018

Road Rage: Man Attacks Woman Riding Motorcycle, Gets Shot Dead

A 24-year-old woman riding her motorcycle in Pierce County, Washington, came under a road rage attack from a 60-year-old man and ultimately shot and killed him to stop his assault on her.

The Pierce County Prosecutor’s Office has ruled that the woman, Aubrey Bowlin, will not face prosecution for the death.

The road rage incident occurred in February, but Bowlin is just now publicly providing details. On August 17 she spoke to KIRO Radio about it, explaining how she looked in her mirror to see Jones driving right up on the tail-end of her motorcycle.



  1. Bowlin told KIRO Radio, “I was fighting for my life, and that’s what the whole point of having a concealed weapons permit and having a firearm is — to solely defend your life, because I thought he was going to take mine.”


    This is what it's all about. Nationwide CCW permits NOW!!

  2. I kinda have a feeling, what did she do on the motorcycle to piss someone off so bad? Let’s look at this situation, woman, carrying a weapon, wears leather race garb and rides a crotch rocket. Maybe she got away with something here. Probably instigated the whole situation.

    1. you will say anything for a comment and you just got one. Congrats

    2. Doesn’t give the guy the right to get out and assault her. He got what he deserved.

  3. It doesn't justify vehicular homicide 7:11, lots of people piss me off on the road, I don't try to kill them, Duh!

  4. 7:11;

    Your Feelings????

    Are you liberal?

    I encounter angry bad drivers daily.

    Man, screw your feelings and we'll be better off

  5. 7:11, if I'm in a 2,000 lb steel and glass box, there is nothing a person on a motorcycle can do to harm me in any way whatsoever. For him to feel a need to push a motorcycle off the road or into other traffic with his steel box is attempted murder in itself.

    Please explain to the rest of us what your vivid imagination holds up that would require the driver in the steel box to attempt murder of a motorcycle driver.

    I won't be holding my breath for your answer.

  6. Bet the widow is thanking the cyclist. Chances are it's not the turds first shot (no pun intended) at bulling and beating a person.

  7. The guy was an abuser who thought all women are going to allow him to beat on them. People of his mindset don't need an excuse to fly off the handle; I'm sure she looked at him funny. POS got what he deserved.

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I kinda have a feeling, what did she do on the motorcycle to piss someone off so bad? Let’s look at this situation, woman, carrying a weapon, wears leather race garb and rides a crotch rocket. Maybe she got away with something here. Probably instigated the whole situation.

    August 24, 2018 at 7:11 AM

    Wow, amazes me how stupid some people can be.


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