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Thursday, August 30, 2018

Ratcliffe Says Ohr Hearing Confirmed His Fears on FBI Scandal

Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-Texas) said former Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr’s testimony Tuesday in a closed-door hearing confirmed what he and many of his House Republican colleagues feared.

“We asked a lot of questions that we’ve had which confirmed a lot of fears we’ve had. There are inconsistencies between a number of witnesses that have previously given sworn testimony, and we’ll certainly be exploring those as they become apparent,” Ratcliffe told reporters outside the hearing room during a break.

“It absolutely confirms some of the concerns that I have that there were potential violations of the FISA process based on Mr. Ohr’s testimony today,” he said. “The concerns that I have were not elevated — they were, in fact, either confirmed or not. So we’ll explore that.”


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