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Monday, August 13, 2018

Pelosi: Trump's Whole Thing Is 'Make America White Again'

Sunday on MSNBC’s “AM Joy,” House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said President Donald Trump’s “whole thing is ‘Make America White Again.'”

Pelosi said, “We’re going backward, and the president with all of his statements is the master of the dog whistle. Everything he has done, whether it’s taking babies out of the arms of their moms, whether it’s issues that relate to health care in our country, access to services and the rest is — his whole thing is ‘Make America White Again.’ That’s his thing. He can say a nice thing today in a tweet, but the fact is his actions speak louder than his words.”



  1. What was Obama's ? Make America Muslim again

  2. Gee, Nancy, the RACE card?

    What a completely original thought!


  3. not much of a campaign but they will get votes... the last democrat gave me 600 dollar a month insurance law, bankruptcy, called racist because my skin is different then his and he got a 50 million dollar job with Netflix. I'm still paying healthcare that covers nothing. Nah I had my run with a man with a tan. I'll stilck with Trump. Thanks.

  4. The gift that keeps giving

  5. The 'race card' is like the joker: you use it when you got nothing left in your hand. Joker's wild!!

  6. That is all the democrats have - the race card! The really sad part is that is not even near true and the democrat voters follow like blind sheep.

  7. She's another dried up pretty much already dead but doesn't know it person...she looks like she's had so much plastic surgery, that if she crosses her legs her mouth will snap shut! (that we could be so lucky to shut her pie hole up!) Time to go, Nancy....

  8. The irony is that you ask most folks who champion the "maga" mantra for a definition of what it means.. you end up with a mess of confusion, because it really doesn't specifically mean anything (which is a good thing for drumming up votes... sounds good but makes no commitments.... )

    ... but when pressed those waving the "maga" flag it boils down to these few things mostly:

    They want to be able to demonize and ostracize and persecute homosexuals and tranny's without being made to feel guilty or bad about it.

    They want Muslims out of America.

    They want a border wall, and illegals rounded kicked out of America, and for everyone to speak English.

    There are a faction of them that want to shoehorn Christianity into schools and government.

    So really, it's not about making America great, or even "again".... it's about making America White, heterosexual, and Christian.

    That is was "Maga" really boils down to, in my opinion.

    So, I'm not a Pelosi fan... she's absolutely bonkers crazy and dangerous for America, I think... but she's not wrong.

    Please note, this is painting with broad brush strokes... certainly this is not everyone..

    But you cannot deny the emboldened action of the Alt Right and the uber White Nationalists. They are more vocal and visible.

    Now, you cannot say this was Trumps intent or meaning... but it sure is the result.


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