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Wednesday, August 01, 2018

Oregon High Schools to Mix Genders in Showers and Bathrooms in New Transgender Ruling

More leftist child abuse.

A U.S. District Court Judge in Oregon recently ruled that boys must be allowed to use the girls locker room, showers and bathrooms, and vice versa in public schools throughout the state.

According to Judge Marco Hernandez, for children to “see or be seen by someone of the opposite biological sex while either are undressing or performing bodily functions in a restroom, shower, or locker room does not give rise to a constitutional violation.”

Perhaps not, but it does violate normal standards of decency. The Judge offered an alternative to parents who disagreed with the policy, telling them to send their kids to private school, according to WND. That way, not only do they get to have their conservative beliefs trampled on, but they also get to pay taxes to support the public school trampling on their conservative beliefs, and private school tuition. What a deal!

“It is within Parent Plaintiffs’ right to remove their children from Dallas [Oregon] High School if they disapprove of transgender student access to facilities,” the judge said. “Once the parents have chosen to send their children to school … their liberty interest in their children’s education is severely diminished.”



  1. Nope! That's when school vouchers have to be MANDATORY, as if they shouldn't be already. It's true. Tax money is collected across the board to send kids to school. If a parent chooses to send the kids to private school, that allocation should go to that private school. If the price per year os different, then the parents should pay/ collect the difference.

    Easy peasy.

  2. This is going to be "Hard" on some of the boys.

  3. Time to remove the soap dishes? It worked for Penn State. :>)

  4. No cheerleader moms coming out to give some feedback?

  5. I don't even pee in front of my husband why does my daughter have to pee in front of a boy she doesn't even know.

  6. 740
    Again, it isn't the judge.
    It is the financiers of the campaigns - the people for whom the judge works. He is taking his marching orders from Langley. CIA / Homeland Security / Mossad / MI6 all work for the richest people in the world. The Masters of the Universe. Those who print the currencies of the Western Nations.

    Wake up and smell the facism.

  7. Gonna be a ton of pregnant teens and rapes in schools disbar this perv judge.

    1. Find out what school the judges kids go to and PROTEST IT.


  8. 9th Circus (sp); he'll be overturned on Appeal in the 9th. Start the guessing game about how he was appointed.

  9. Better yet just pull your children from all state testing.

  10. Hang the judge??

    That's the BEST idea I've heard all week.

    THAT would chill their ace out a little bit.
    A pause that refreshes.
    That's the ticket!

    Keep cheering.


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