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Wednesday, August 01, 2018

NY Times: ‘Nearly All White’ States Pose ‘an Array of Problems’ for Immigrants

A New York Times report seemingly blasts the state of New Hampshire, as well as Vermont and Maine, for being “nearly all white.”

In a piece titled “New Hampshire, 94 Percent White, Asks: How Do You Diversify a Whole State?” the New York Times chronicles the supposed hardships of immigrants who allegedly do not have the “comfort and support of a built-in community” in states like New Hampshire, Vermont, and Maine because their populations are too white.

The New York Times interviewed immigrant Catalina Celentano who complained that when she moved to New Hampshire, she could not speak Spanish often because the state was 94 percent white.

“I went from being able to speak Spanish every day to not speaking Spanish at all because there wasn’t anybody to speak Spanish to,” said Mrs. Celentano, who was born in Colombia to a Colombian mother and Hungarian father. “The only person I spoke Spanish with was a cleaning lady and she moved back to Colombia.”

More here


  1. I'm sorry Miss, what country is this again? Pick up the phone or sktSk someone if you really need to speak Spanish.

  2. How is this any different than me moving to a non-English speaking country. I'd have noone, or very few to speak to. I don't understand the point of this argument. It's called......."CHOICE".

  3. Uh, tell me exactly WHY a place must be “diversified” forcefully?

  4. @9:38 Couldn't agree more--it used to be that immigrants that came here legally went to great lengths to ASSIMILATE (for you lefties that this idea is a foreign one), it means "to absorb into the cultural tradition of a population or group". If I moved to a foreign country that was not English speaking, I would learn the language-not expect that everything would be in several different languages, and the speaking of the language of that country is optional-Sorry...you want to move here, then quit complaining and speak the language of your new country.

  5. Go to a spanish-speaking country....
    English is the language here...and should be officially designated!

  6. I have been researching these supposed "mostly white" cities and states to possibly move to. The priblpr I'm finding is they are some of the most liberal/democratic dipsticks that are coming up with all these ridiculous entitlement programs. Where's the "mostly white" conservative cities these days?? Hell Texas has even buckled with all this liberal socialist garbage

  7. If you are going to live here learn English
    Otherwise leave
    All the past immigrants did so without question because they respected the country they were moving to. You should do the same or leave. "Nearly All White" What a racist remark in itself. Guess it is ok if it is against a "WHITE" person. Race only counts if it is other than WHITE huh?
    So tired of playing the politically correct game Obama started. He was the racist pig.

  8. I recently visited family newly moved to rural NH. After a few days in their town, I mentioned that I met/saw a couple of black people in town. They said, "Well, you've probably met them all."

  9. @12:28 that's where I have a problem!! All the white socialist today crying free everything for everybody whether you're here legally or not. I'm white and my problem is other whites not people of color.

  10. Bernie Sanders the king of civil rights and illegal immigration lives in a all white state. Nooo must be a mistake.

  11. Hahaha, amazing what society has become. States being too white????


  12. Well, there MUST be a reason.
    After all, no one is clamoring to go to Harlem to live...south side Chicago isn't suffering from an influx of white people.
    White neighborhoods, white towns, white states. Want peace and quiet? Low crime? Kids in bed at night? Nice schools? Go there.
    Like violence? Drug dealers running the show on the streets outside? Pregnant teens and kids going to prison on a regular basis? Trash blowing around in the yards? Gunfire at 3AM? Police and ambulance sirens all day and night?
    Move to Harlem.
    There might be something to those dang white places.
    Let's change them with some "diversity"!!
    And society continues to crumble...


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