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Tuesday, August 28, 2018

NBC Poll Finds Trump Support at Near Record-High After Cohen, Manafort News

The latest Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll shows President Trump’s job approval rating at a near record high and unaffected by the news about Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen.

A poll taken by WSJ/NBC before the news broke about the conviction of Trump’s one time campaign chair Paul Manafort and the guilty plea from Trump’s former personal attorney Michael Cohen, had the president sitting with 46 percent approval and 51 percent disapproval.

These same pollsters went back to the well in the days immediately following the Manafort/Cohen news, those days where the media screamed “impeachment” hundreds of time, and found only statistical noise; no real shift against Trump: 44 percent approve/52 percent disapprove.

That is only a total move of three points, which is well within the poll’s margin of error.

In fact, that 46 percent approval number is a record high for Trump in this particular poll, which means that despite a media jihad that began last month with the fabricated controversy over separating illegal alien adults and children (something practiced by the Obama administration), the president is in superb shape.



  1. Fake news MSM is losing its power over people that can think independently.

  2. Yet, the left refuses to see how much of the country feels.


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