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Monday, August 27, 2018

Murderous Mexico: July Most Violent Ever As Country Descends Into Chaos

Mexico continues to descend into chaos, as a record number of homicide cases were opened last month, the Ministry of Public Security said Tuesday.

The ministry states 2,599 homicide cases were opened in July - an average of 84 per day, for a total of 3,017 registered victims.

This is the highest monthly toll ever record since Mexico began keeping stats on homicide cases in the late 1990s. The previous record of 2,894 was set in May.

In 2018, there have been 16,399 homicide cases opened in the first seven months, which represent a 14 percent increase over the same period last year, said the Los Angeles Times.

Last year was the country’s most violent period on record, with more than 25,000 homicide investigations into 31,174 death.

If the parabolic death trend continues, 2018 could go in the record books as the most violent year ever.



  1. About like vacationing in Iraq.

  2. And these are some of the people liberals want to be able to just walk back and forth willy nilly!

  3. So they have a conservative number let's say 5,000 murders that can come over the border anytime they like in any given year. Okay that sounds like an awesome idea let's allow them to do it more votes for the libs and more money out of every taxpayers pocket I love it.

  4. Doesn't the MSM lecture to us about how our friends in Mexico are all nice family oriented and religious people?

  5. And instead of fighting back, the cowards come running into America. And if you think if we are ever attacked,that they will stand shoulder to shoulder with you to defend America, you are sadly mistaken.


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