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Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Mollie Tibbetts murder suspect was a local farmhand

The man who was arrested in the murder of Mollie Tibbetts, the University of Iowa student who disappeared last month, worked less than three miles from where she was staying the night she vanished.

Cristhian Rivera, 24, was employed by Yarrabee Farms for the past several years, according to a source with knowledge of the situation.

The Des Moines Register reported that it reviewed documents that listed several owners of the farm, which included Dane Lang and Eric Lang, both relatives of Craig Lang. Craig Lang, who owns a dozen property deeds in Brooklyn, Iowa, is reportedly a former 2018 Republican candidate for secretary of agriculture in the state.

Dane Lang said Rivera worked there for the past several years, and was an "employee in good standing."

He also noted that Rivera passed the government's E-Verify employment verification system, despite his status as an undocumented immigrant. The system is intended to maintain a database of I-9 forms and tax records of employees across the country.

More here



  1. He also noted that Rivera passed the government's E-Verify employment verification system - Liar. Bet you a million he can not produce the documents supporting this statement.

    1. not yet but I bet they are working on them right now

  2. I bet the system wasn't accurate and his name wasn't in tbere.

  3. Dave T: This is completely reprehensible on all accounts. Another beautiful young woman victimized, along with her family and friends, because we cannot implement a legitimate immigration plan. Meanwhile, every kook and idiot liberal is out fighting tooth and nail to protect the rights of illegal immigrants while bashing our own law enforcement. If you cannot figure out which party is the correct one to support, do us all a favor and get your head examined. I find this matter utterly disgusting. My heart goes out to Molly, her family and friends, as well as those ICE members who work diligently everyday to protect this nation. If you liberals want a conflict, keep going, as we are well on the way. Just remember, you reap what you sow. And you will reap it! Mark my words.


  4. This is the MSM’s and democrats worst fears realized. They’re saying to themselves “Oh hell it was an illegal! How quickly can we bury this story completely???”

    The thug POS Trayvon case can be talked about for years and years and years, but after 24 hours you will never hear a word from them about this case again.

  5. 11:19 E-Verify is is ineffective at detection illegal immigrant workers. A few years ago an audit of the system by an independent firm found that approximately 50% of unauthorized workers were incorrectly found to be work authorized by E-Verify because of rampant document fraud.
    There is a whole underground network of people creating fake documents that pass including social security cards, driver's licenses, temporary license plates, bank statements, payroll stubs, even rental leases.

  6. If she had only taken her phone with her on her jog.....

  7. Too bad she wasn't black, than it wouldn't matter.


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