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Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Maxine Waters Bucks Dems: Trump ‘Will Be Impeached

Meanwhile, Democrat leadership trying to distance from impeachment talks

President Trump “will be impeached” despite assurances from Democrat leadership they won’t seek impeachment, according to Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.).

“I believe, of course, that this president can be impeached, will be impeached, and certainly has committed the high crimes and misdemeanors that is [sic] identified by the Constitution as such that would qualify him for impeachment,” Waters said Sunday on MSNBC .



  1. You heard it from their leader and no one dare tell her to shut up.

  2. Good. Then we get Pence.

  3. She is the one who needs to be impeached. She has incited the over throw of the US government. She has supported and assisted in directing the AHTIFA movement which is a bunch of Anarchist. Where is the FBI, since they want to investigate Politians so much? Oh I forgot she is exempt, since she is a Democrat Socialist.

  4. Now that thing is a funny old crow or hoe. lol

  5. Dream on,you hateful bitch. We the people will put a stop to any impeachment.


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