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Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Massive Efforts Made to Hide Nellie Ohr’s Involvement in ‘Spygate’ – She May Be the Link Between Former CIA Head Brennan and His Boss – Obama

As the details behind the Spygate scandal are uncovered, the connections to former President Obama are unearthed.

According to Zero Hedge, the head of opposition research firm Fusion GPS admitted in December 2017 in a court filing that his firm paid the wife of a senior Justice Department official to help dig up damaging information on then-candidate Donald Trump.

Glenn Simpson, co-founder of Fusion GPS, filed the signed declaration in a D.C. court this week affirming that Nellie Ohr, wife of demoted DOJ official Bruce Ohr, was contracted by Fusion through the summer and fall of 2016 “to help our company with its research and analysis of Mr. Trump,” according to the filing. The House Intelligence Committee determined that in November 2016, Simpson met with Bruce Ohr shortly after the election to discuss their findings regarding Russia and Trump. Bruce Ohr lost his senior-level position at the DOJ as associate deputy attorney general after his meetings with Simpsonand British spy Christopher Steele, who assembled the Trump-Russia dossier, were discovered.



  1. It all makes ^^Sense! It is the Only way, Media Hysteria. Deflect deflect (*shh quiet not now shh)* time for the Malfunctioning Nancy Pelosi. Listen to her ? No !!

  2. Use you own MInd's eye S to know and Make ^^^Connections!!! !^

  3. Damn, it took so doing to gather the "collage". As old man biden would say "take em out back"


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