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Monday, August 13, 2018

Massachusetts Police Chiefs Criticize Elizabeth Warren For Her Comment That ‘Our Criminal Justice System’ Is ‘Racist’ From ‘Front To Back’

On Thursday, during a town hall at Fitchburg State University in Massachusetts, Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) was asked about her recent comments that "our criminal justice system" is "racist."

The following is her exchange with a man named Wesley:

WESLEY: As a young American of color, your recent comments that you made in New Orleans are just a little bit concerning to me. You said that the justice system, and I just wanna quote you so I say it right, "is racist from front to back."

I'm just concerned that your rhetoric there is inciting some of the division that you claim that the president is purporting. You say that Donald Trump undermines the justice system, but it highly concerns me that you made a blanket statement that the over 400 federal judges of color, thousands of law enforcement officers of color, and even the new black police commissioner of Boston of color are racist.



  1. If the Dems don't keep the stupid narratives going, they've got nothing to take to the MSM for their daily press exposure.

  2. Warren is just like an infectious disease that will not go away.

  3. Another gift that keeps on giving

  4. Native American's need to come out against this lying bitch, she makes good Indians look bad.


  5. She should pow-wow with them and bury the hatchet. Oops!


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